Foreign Manufacturer Accreditation is valid for 5 years, and a renewal application should be submitted before the expiring date.
When a company is handling many site accreditations and licenses, a company is always facing some cases which are closed to the expiring date. A renewal application must be submitted to PMDA 5 months before the expiring date.
そして外国製造業者あるあるだと思うんですが、責任者や住所表記がいつの間にか変わっていたりするのです(;_;) 本来であれば変更後30日以内に届出として提出しなければならないのに、うっかり連絡されていなかったりするんですよね。変更があったらすぐに教えてね!と口を酸っぱくして言ってるのに...このようなことにならないためには、やはり普段からの定期的な情報交換の場がとても大事だと思います。
Sometimes a site manager or site address have been changed without being informed us, it should not happen but it happens due to lack of daily communication and lack of understanding. I feel that regular contact to update information is truly important.
If something has been changed without notification, we should prepare a statement of delay and submit a change notification. Then, a renewal application to be submitted.
For a renewal application, such as floor plans and list of facility equipment need to be attached. These documents are requested to a manufacturing site. It normally takes a few months. Regulatory actions need to be taken as early as possible, this is what I always feel.